Rag Rug Workshop
November 2019.

In November 2019 Alison Teed from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, led a rag rug workshop that showed us two methods of making rag rugs - “hooked” and “proddy” into hessian backing fabric. She did warn us that this is both therapeutic and addictive. She demonstrated how to use the same technique to make a Christmas tree or wreath.

Members sorted through their fabric stashes and rag bags, with regrets from some who had recently had a clear out. Many old fabrics associated with past memories were given a new lease of life instead of being thrown away and colourful rugs produced.









Some examples of our tutor’s finished rugs gave us something to aspire to.



In the Cotswolds, Annie P sorted and tidied her stash of fabrics and made an outline of mushrooms


before filling in the background in autumn colours

and completing a Christmas tree


Pat Wyatt (Sussex) produced a beautiful vase of flowers




Heather A on the Manitoba Prairie produced a colourful teapot hotpad. Image